Well, it’s been a week now since I saw the Chromatica Ball and let me tell you – I’m still riding off that high and that energy. It was so fantastic.

The day started easy and my friend and I went early there to go and see her, be on time and everything. When my friend picked me up, I showed her the tickets and asked if she saw anything that was off? Then I showed her our entry; which had Golden Circle details. She was so thankful, because I did not want regular standing and treated her Golden Circle tickets while she thought we bought regular standing! She’s the sweetest and deserves it full. Of course, sadly I know that in a stadium tour you can’t see shit with standing so I needed them for myself too.

On the way there we were listening to the radio which was already hyping us, people saying that it was happening and messaging some friends who were also going. Then we go there, parking was easy, and of course I was checking Twitter and everything to see the Arnhem hoodie but getting there, it was sold out already. I saw a few wearing it and was jealous, but it saved me €80 which is nice too! I bought the Be Free t-shirt and it fit very good, happy with my purchase. Time for some dinner as we went to the easy McDonalds there and there was big queue… But after we got out they even blocked the entrance there, so we were happy we got our food on time and read to start queueing for the show as it was about 17h then. There were a lot of international concert goers, that really put the vibe good.

We got in and we got a nice Golden Circle Arnhem wristband and the LED ones that light up. There some guards were protecting the area in the middle but somehow they left once enough people got in there. I found us a good spot in the middle and then we waited. It was getting hot and the music wasn’t too loud, but it took a while especially without an opener. All good, worth it for the spot! But waiting was a long while and even tough it was communicated the show would start around 20:30, she came on at 21:00 which was fine for me but later more.

Then finally the show started. What an energy from the moment the visual started the light up. What an Intro?! Really, this is the best one yet, and there is a high standard when it comes to Gaga opening. Amazing to finally have a Gaga show after the Joanne Tour in Amsterdam, Arnhem is quite a different place for a concert, but no worries! Then, opening with her 3 biggest hits, was amazing. It… definitely… worked! Everyone was so hyped to hear those recognizable songs playing from the speakers. Really a moment, and after that the full audience ate from her hand. Her standing still in the beginning could have been risky, but she was starting the move during Just Dance and did a few things here and there? Honestly, being so excited and focused on seeing her it worked for me. Poker Face remains one of my favourite songs ever, so it will always be a blessing to hear that live.

Then came Act I, where Alice, Replay and Monster were sang. And fucking mother was on fire! Really enjoying those songs and giving everything during the choreography. Cute that another jump made its way into the tour and hearing the Chromatica songs getting their performances really made the album come alive.

Can I just say, I was a bit doubtful about how she would sound because after Düsseldorf and Paris, I was not sure if that were stans living their dreams or the truth? But the Little Monsters did not lie, apparently. She sounded so good, how can she fucking improve each time I see her? A miracle but that work paid off. She sounded angelic and everything was spot on. And then the look to finish it all off? Amazing. It was very much a power woman with no need to show off the whole stadium was there for her, we all knew it and were living. The GelreDome has quite good sound, or maybe it was due to the fact that I was literally in the middle of the golden pit? I never heard it all so clear. Or perhaps that was just Gaga’s power.

In Act II, 911 and LoveGame went off, where she came onto the catwalk and I shot some pictures and filmed a part. Is it a necessary inclusion? I don’t think see, but there needs to be a bit for the locals. The look she wears is so amazing, dictator vibes. Sour Candy was okay but a bit messy with all the parts and things. Telephone cute, a nice something for the locals of course. But still a nice song.

Then we got the video interlude of ACT III where there were elements of Chromatica III and Sine From Above, but that was not played. A new outfit was there too, this time the fabulous gold for Babylon and Free Woman; man, what a show that was. A real favourite. She walked around like a goddess and the choreo was messy but made it all work somehow? Then going through the crowd and a friend of mine was very happy he had a good spot especially for that. Born This Way on the piano followed by the regular version; that went off too and many people were dancing with rainbow flags, always so good when it’s near pride and at a Gaga concert.

ACT IV had Shallow and Always Remember Us This Way amongst others, the ballad section. I’ve never thought to hear these two tracks live and Always is a favourite of mine (and many fans and the GP: Platinum non-single!). Truly fun to hear that one and then the Fun Tonight acoustic into the full one was a very uplifting moment too. Justice served! Finally, I somehow like Enigma too which was in there too, the stadium really came alive during that one! Woohoo.

Finally, we got the Finale. Here was another video interlude and Stupid Love was performed. While I did not have high expectations for it, it certainly went off amazingly live. It was extended a bit and everyone was dancing so frantically, and it made me feel alive. This was followed by smash Rain on Me which went off, but was a bit weird again with the Ariana vocals in there, that dimmed it a little, otherwise it would have even gone off more than Stupid Love. But I was so happy to see these two singles live and get my life to them! A bucket list thing.

Then it all went down as there came and Encore: Hold My Hand. My friend and I watched and tried to get out, but the circle was too busy, so we saw half and then walked a bit. It kinda works as a closer if you are really close to the action, and not from a screen. She sang it beautifully.

The entrance we had into the venue wasn’t open any more, so we had to walk all across the floor to the other side to get out, at least going out from parking went fine. We had a strange route back through Arnhem; we call this the tourist route but somehow it was a bit faster I think. Then I got home at 1 in the morning, which is just half an hour later than a concert in Amsterdam, so if she was on time… I feel sorry for all the fans that were late for their trains or busses, sadly the Dutch railways (NS) has a very hard time nowadays, so they were not able to wait for everyone or had cancellations too. I did hear some messy cigs enjoyed a hotel they found using app and even had some fun, hurray! Next time, Amsterdam or Rotterdam again? Teehee.

This was one of best, if not the best, Gaga tour I’ve been to and was such a joy to see this era finally wrap up with a cherry on top. A fantastic tour where there is a spark in her eyes, ready to make audiences hers again with that incredible energy. She is on another peak of her career, and ready to command the stage. Hopefully this lights the spark up for a new music somehow, but I will be watching some more livestreams and also giving Chromatica another few spins to imagine myself back at the tour.


You can watch the full show here: